Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Minimum Wage at age 26!

So back when Jason and I were engaged I found out about a great opportunity to type on the side and at home via the internet. It didn't pay as much as my mom's transcriptionist job does but since it would be my first transcribing job, I went for it. I've begun now and let's just say I'm probably the slowest transcritpionist ever! The company gave me a manual that is about 50 pages long of formatting issues that may come up, and do. Just like every other job out there, there's a steep learning curve in which you really aren't an assett to the company yet since you don't really know what you're doing, but you still get paid a fair amount per hour, depending on the type of work. However, in my new job, not only am I learning at a great rate, but I'm getting the least amount per hour that I have ever received, even working at Burger King back in 1997! I hope I will get faster and that it will be worth it...if not, I guess we can say we tried! :)

Any tips on getting faster?


Anonymous said...

So, will they increase your wage as you get faster? I had no idea that a company could do that! There are a bunch of online programs to help with typing faster, but I don't know if that's what's slowing down your transcribing. Good luck!

Jeanie Doll said...

Whoa that would a perfect way for me to earn some extra money after the baby but I am not a fast typer. I may check in on you in a few months to see how it is going.

Jason & Naomi said...

I still type about 80-90wpm so the speed isn't exactly what's slowing me down, but it's more the formatting, I guess, that the company wants. It's just that steep learning curve I guess I'll have to chug my way through... Thanks for the suggestions! And Jeanie, please do check in later, hopefully I'll be much faster!